Let me start by telling you a story...
Approximately 10 years ago, I left my corporate banking job in SF and ran off to Paris to the horror of family and friends. After another long term relationship ended and a string of painful emotional and financial decisions; I felt lost, confused, unworthy and unloveable... I thought running off to Paris would fix it, but it didn't. On the outside it seemed like I was doing great but it was only through the power of writing did I really start to heal the pain within.
I started a creative writing group called the Drunk Writers where we wrote uninhibitedly for 5 minutes at a time and travelled all over Europe helping artists who were stuck in writing or creating their art achieve success. I would get story after story of how therapeutic & life changing my sessions were and that has lead me to creating the Lerma Therapeutic Writing Method. It is my life vision and mission to help as many people as I can tap into their joy of creating and share their gifts with the world.
Through harnessing the power of creativity, writing with others and helping them to transform their broken heart into art did I finally learn to love and be grateful for the lessons my pain gave me and that has made all the difference. Now I work with people in pain to help them see a new perspective and unlock their creative genius to heal from within and reclaim their power by rewriting the story.
Book a complimentary discovery session with me today and find out how writing uninhibited for 5 minutes at a time can open the doors to your healing.
What is a therapeutic writing coach?
Please schedule your first complimentary one on one session today!